双语美文:珍惜当下 生活并非彩排!

Dwyane Wade: It\\'s likepeanut butter and jelly, man. We just go together. 韦德:我们是好哥们。所以,老铁,让我们携手共进吧。 peanut butter and jelly (超接地气俚语)一般欧美早餐都要吃吐司片,吃的时候会在两片面包中抹上果酱(jelly)和花生酱(peanut butter),然...

Cabbeen自1997年在香港枫树街33号成立以来,20年间,锐意前行,开创了中国时尚史上无数“第一”,创始人兼艺术总监卡宾先生更已经成为中国时尚界的传奇人物,成功登封《时装男士L’OFFICIEL HOMMES》,接受《时尚先生》、《芭莎男士》等时尚大刊专访,被《GQ智族》授予2017“...

学会让自己快乐吧。 And think of life as a terminal illness, because if you do, you will live it with joy and passion as it ought to be lived. 把有生之年看作某种不治之症的晚期,这样,你就会带着喜悦和激情享受这本该充满乐趣的生活!

▷I love when I'm running on a nice day with my headphones on and I just get in the zone. I feel like I can keep running forever. 我喜欢天气好的时候戴上耳机去跑步,感觉精神...

Here's where reading fits. It can bring us almost unlimited additional experience. To be sure, it's secondhand experience. But it's often so vivid that it seems firsthand, just as if we're living through it ourselves, being moved to tears, laughter...

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